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Mudah Mencari Extension Application Yang Berada di Chrome Browser

Mudah Mencari Extension Application Yang Berada di Chrome Browser

mungkin sebagian kita sering atau jarang yang memakai chrome browser, seperti saya yang baru bosan dengan firefox, saya coba chrome, atau lebih tepatnya memakai kembali, setelah sebelumnya sering kecewa karena sering crash, so far... chrome berjalan dengan baik di netbook ku yang sudah butut, ketinggalan jaman, tapi alhamdulillah barokah... 

beberapa kali coba extension dari chrome saya sempat kebingungan dengan bagaimana nih menampilkan extension yang sudah di install, seperti waktu saya menginstall extension chrome twitterdeck dan hotot

Setelah misuh-misuh nggak karuan, (setelah itu sadar dan ngucap astaghfirullahaldziem) :) saya menenangkan diri dan akhirnya cukup ketikkan chrome://apps seperti screenshot dibawah ini.

chrome apps find your extension list


yah... seperti itulah.. 

Mungkin nggak mutu ya.. tapi begitulah mungkin anda akan menemukan kesulitan seperti yang dulu saya alami ketika setting browser mirip dengan kita orang.. 

CSIS dan Sumitro

CSIS established the Sumitro Djojohadikusumo Center for Emerging Economies in Southeast Asia (SDCEESEA) in September, 2012. Ernest Z. Bower, senior adviser and Chair for Southeast Asia Studies was named the chair of the new center.
Funding for the Center is provided by the Arsari Djojohadikusumo Foundation, which was established by Indonesian businessman Hashim Djojohadikusumo in honor of his late father, Professor Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, a former Indonesian economist considered the architect of the country’s modern economy. Dr. Sumitro worked with the Ford Foundation in the 1950s to send Indonesian economists to the United States to obtain advanced degrees in economics. These graduates, many of whom later filled top slots in the government, were known as the “Berkeley mafia” because many of them had studied at the University of California at Berkeley
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